MPs convinced by Zarif’s answers

September 3, 2018 - 9:11

TEHRAN – On Sunday, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif convinced MPs who asked him certain questions concerning his participation at the funeral of former Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and use of dual nationals in the nuclear talks.

Vocal MP Nader Ghazipour from Urmia criticized Zarif for attending Talabani’s funeral because of the presence of anti-revolution elements in the ceremony.

Zarif said his attendance was agreed by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Quds Force, the Foreign Ministry and the Supreme National Security Council.

On the question by MP Javad Karimi Ghodoosi from Mashhad who asked about presence of four dual nationals in Iran’s team during the nuclear talks with the European Union and the 5+1 group (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany).

Zarif said the presence of the dual nationals in expert team was authorized by the Intelligence Ministry.

The chief diplomat also said Iran recently used French and British lawyers in its complaint against the United States at the International Court of Justice. 

Also on Tuesday, President Hassan Rouhani answered lawmakers’ questions, mostly regarding current economic situation. In four out of five questions, Rouhani failed to convince the MPS.

Lawmakers posed questions on his administration’s handling of economic issues, including a high unemployment rate, slow economic growth and a devaluation of national currency rial as well as smuggling of goods and foreign currency.

The lawmakers were also critical of the continuation of banking sanctions against Tehran despite the 2015 nuclear deal -- under which those restrictions should no longer exit.

Responding to the lawmakers’ questions, Rouhani defended his administration’s performance in two rounds and also called for unity among all forces to tackle the existing shortcomings.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday, “Representatives of the Majlis asked questions from a president who has been elected with more than 23 million votes, and the president responds to the questions calmly and serenely and this means religious democracy.”