There can be no peace at cost of Iran’s security

May 15, 2018 - 10:7

The vicious alliance between Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (commonly known as MBS), Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump against Iran has become more evident more than ever.

This alliance was something that Seyed Hossein Mousavian, former Iranian nuclear negotiator and now a researcher at Princeton University, had warned about immediately after Trump took the helm at the White House.

Saudi Arabia has been providing fuel for such a cruel coalition through extremely lavish arms and economic contracts with the United States. Israel, as it has always been its trademark, has also been intensifying its campaign of lies against Iran.

This vicious alliance came into real existence when Trump on May 9 walked away from the 2015 nuclear agreement and vowed to reinstate the harshest sanctions against Tehran in contravention of international law. This happened despite the fact that Iran’s nuclear activities are subject to the most robust inspection and verification regime in history, and the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog body have confirmed Iran’s full compliance to the international agreement for 11 times.

In a coordinated move, eight days before Trump’s move, Netanyahu resorted to a theatrical show against Iran’s nuclear program.

Also, Saudi Arabia and the UAE welcomed the Trump’s decision.

According to the New York Times, a source close to Saudi policymakers said Washington and Riyadh had been discussing the nuclear deal “for some time” before Trump announced on May 9 that Washington was pulling out of it.

The source said it was “obvious” from the crown prince’s talks with Trump in the White House on March 20 and a visit to Riyadh a month later by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that there had been a “coordination” of positions.

“We were for it and we worked on it,” another Saudi source said of Riyadh’s diplomacy.
Analysts, former officials and diplomats have their own analysis or combination of analyses of Trump’s move. Some says Trump through his decision wants to milk Saudi Arabia and the UAE more and more; some are of the opinion that Trump wanted to undermine the European Union - especially its heavyweight members – Russia and China as other signatories to the nuclear agreement.

Others say since Trump is obsessed with egoism is bent on destroying what his predecessor Barack Obama achieved. Susan E. Rice, who was national security adviser during President Barack Obama’s second term, says, has such an opinion. “President Trump, disdainful of any success of his predecessor, has long been determined to destroy this agreement, even though it has served American interests and won the grudging support of many of its original critics,” Rice wrote in the New York Times.

However, whatever Trump, Netanyahu and Saudi Arabia and others have in mind, or whatever result this plot may lead to, one thing is clear and that is those regional countries, which have been “collecting firewood” for this unlawful and hostile move by Trump and other hawks against Iran, will not be able to live in peace in the absence of security and tranquility for Iran.