Iran calls for preparing economic co-op roadmap with Iraq

March 6, 2018 - 18:54

TEHRAN- Iranian Industry, Mining and Trade Minister Mohammad Shariatmadari urged preparation of Iran-Iraq economic cooperation roadmap during his visit to Iraq, Shata news agency reported on Tuesday.

Referring to Iranian First Vice President Es’haq Jahangiri’s imminent visit to Iraq, Shariatmadari hoped that the trip will ease preparation of the roadmap in near future.

In his meeting with Iraqi Minister of Housing and Construction Anne Nafi Aussi on Monday evening, the Iranian minister noted that the existing barriers on the way to boost mutual banking ties will be removed via establishment of new credit lines.

Putting the mutual annual non-oil trade at $6 billion, Shariatmadari underlined improvement of the value by expansion of technical and engineering, industrial, and housing sector ties along with the commercial ones.

Anne Nafi Aussi, for her part, called for development of bilateral economic ties adding that the Iraqi government will try its best to have Iraqi companies clear the differed claims of the Iranian companies active in Iraq.

Iranian industry minister, leading a delegation, entered Iraq on Monday evening and met Iraqi Minister of Planning, Labor and Social Affairs Salman al-Jamili and Deputy Minister of Industry and Minerals Mohamed Shia al-Sudani.