IRGC, Assembly of Experts praise support for Islamic republic system

TEHRAN – Iran’s Assembly of Experts and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps issued separate statements on Sunday praising the Iranian people for supporting the Islamic republic system in the face of riots that gripped certain cities and towns in the country last week.
People held rallies on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday to denounce violent protests and plots by the enemies to abuse the peaceful demonstrations in order to harm to the Islamic Republic.
A number of protest rallies, which first started in Mashhad on 28, spread to other cities with demonstrators complaining about inflation, unemployment, mismanagement, growing wealth disparity and corruption. However, the protests turned violent in some demonstrations, with rioters targeting police stations and religious sites. The protests died down after a few days. According to officials, over 20 people, including a policeman, were killed in the riots.