Trump and two shocking surveys

TEHRAN _ The president of the United States is deeply concerned about the decline in his popularity with his citizens. Many polls show that since the arrival of Donald Trump at the White House, many of his supporters in the 2016 presidential election are no longer demanding that he continue to be in power. The formation of cases, such as the cooperation of the Tramp campaign with Russia, Has intensified. Many American citizens are hoping that Trump will resign before he arrives in 2020.
However, some US analysts believe he will face a severe crisis in 2020 if he continues to appear at the White House. Many Republicans have already prepared themselves to defeat the upcoming presidential election.
Meanwhile, Democrat leaders are content with the situation created after the 2016 presidential election. They believe that if conditions continue, the defeat of Trump will be definitive in the election. Of course, it must not be forgotten that Democrats' defeat in the 2016 presidential election was also the product of lobbyists behind the Democratic Party and their violation of the interstate rivalry between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. If the Democratic leaders did not prevent Sanders from defeating Democrats within the Democratic Party, the American senator could have easily defeated Trump and headed for the White House.
A review of two polls in the United States shows that Trump has a bad situation in the country. The publication of these polls has been a source of serious concern for Tramp and his fans.
As CNN reported, President Donald Trump's approval rating sits at 32%, according to a new poll released by the Pew Research Center, matching the lowest level in any poll on his approval since he took office in January.
The poll also found that disapproval of the President's job performance is at 63%, and just 14% of those who disapprove of his presidential performance say they can think of something he's done that they've been happy with. However, 37% of those who approve of his job performance say they can think of something Trump has done that they've been disappointed with or unhappy with.
Pew's report on the poll noted that Trump's approval rating has been fairly stagnant since October, when it was at 34%, but has decreased since February, when it was 39%.
Additionally, the poll found that the majority of Americans -- 59% -- think improper contact between senior Trump officials and Russia during the campaign "definitely or probably occurred."
Thirty percent said they believed "senior Trump officials definitely had improper contacts with Russia during the campaign," while 30% also responded that they thought improper contact "definitely or probably did not happen."
However, the second poll, more than the first survey, has led to dissatisfaction with Donald Trump. As Independent reported, Voters would back Democrat Joe Biden over Donald Trump by a wide margin during a presidential election, according to a new poll.
A survey conducted by POLITICO and Morning Consult found that, in a hypothetical 2020 presidential election matchup, the former Vice President would draw the support of 46 percent of voters — easily eclipsing the 35 percent who said they would back Trump.
Independent voters would support Biden over r Trump by a 15-point margin, the poll found. The poll adds another data point to the list of arguments for those urging Biden to challenge the President in the next election. After weighing a 2016 campaign at length, Biden declined to run. But he is now sending signals that he might jump into the looming presidential race.
A common rationale for Biden’s candidacy posits that he would do better than Democrat Hillary Clinton at winning over white working class voters whose defection to Trump helped him carry typically blue states like Michigan and Wisconsin. The poll found Biden and Trump in a statistical tie among white voters.
Biden, of course, has not yet been nominated as a Democratic candidate for the presidential election of 2020. However, he is ready to attend the next presidential election. Some analysts believe Democratic Party elections are important for the 2010 presidential election. Even Hillary Clinton, who has failed Democrats in the 2016 presidential election, may once again take part in the election. American senator Bernie Sanders has already announced his readiness to run for the presidential elections in 2020.
Will the Democrats also repeat their mistake in the 2016 presidential election in 2020? Will they once again conquer the Republican Party and Donald Trump? The answers to these questions will be determined in the near future.