Iran condemns ‘blind terror act’ in Barcelona

August 18, 2017 - 19:55

TEHRAN – After a van rammed into pedestrians in a crowded tourist area of Barcelona, Spain, the Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying terrorists who have suffered defeats one after another in Iraq and Syria are planning to commit “blind terror acts” in different parts of the world.

“Following extremist terrorists’ repeated defeats in the region [the Mideast region], these criminals have put on agenda to expand terrorist operations across the world and murder of the innocent people is among their objectives,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi said.

The attack claimed by Daesh targeted Barcelona's most famous street, killing at least 13 people and injuring more than 100. 

The ministry spokesman said Daesh have been targeting people from the Middle East to Africa and Europe.

Noting that that terrorism has turned into an international problem, he suggested, “It is the time all the peace-seeking countries, which intend real fight against terrorism, form an international unity against violence, insecurity and terrorism which would prioritize eradicating terrorists with a firm determination.” 

Qassemi noted that Iran as a victim of terrorism is ready to cooperate with the international community in fighting terrorism.

Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani issued a message on Friday offering the Senate of Spain and the Congress of Deputies condolences over the attack.

“Such inhuman actions indicate spread of insecurity, violence and terrorism in the today’s world which make it clear that an international consensus to fight terrorism is essential,” he said.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah also issued a statement on Friday condemning the terrorist attack.

Iran and Hezbollah are key players of the axis of resistance who are fighting Daesh.