Germany, Netherlands, Britain top investment making seekers in petchem sector

May 21, 2017 - 9:32

TEHRAN- Germany, the Netherlands and Britain stand on the top of the list of countries seeking investment making in Iran’s petrochemical sector in the post-sanctions era, IRNA reported on Saturday quoting Hossein Alimorad, director for investment making in National Petrochemical Company (NPC).

After the implementation of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), foreign companies mainly from Europe and Japan are showing more and more interest for cooperation with Iranian petrochemical sector and as they consider this sector reliable when it comes to the return on investment (ROI), they even ignore the extant hurdles regarding banking transactions, the official underlined.

Iran is among the few countries which have all kinds of petrochemical feedstock, according to NPC Managing Director Marziyeh Shahdaie.
After the implementation of Iran’s nuclear deal, NPC has received high willingness from European companies for cooperation with Iran in the petrochemical sector both in financing and licensing, Farnaz Alavi, the NPC director for planning and development, announced last December.
Given the positive environment created after the lifting of sanctions against Iran, NPC has put product diversification and market expansion on its agenda, Alavi told the Tehran Times in an e-mailed interview in early April.

“These two objectives are some of the key policies of NPC in post-sanctions time. In this regard, petrochemical companies are seeking to export their diversified products to new target countries in a way that simultaneous with reviving their lost markets, they can find new markets,” the official stated.