Iran calls on U.S. to stop harassment

The Iranian defense minister on Thursday called on the United States to leave the Persian Gulf and stop harassment of Iran.
The remarks by Hossein Dehqan came as the U.S. top military official in the Middle East, Gen. Joseph Votel, said, "We need to look at opportunities where we can disrupt [Iran] through military means".
Dehqan asked, “What is the U.S. doing in the Persian Gulf?
The Iranian military chief added it is better for the U.S. to leave “this region and not harass the regional countries.”
“Is it acceptable that an ignorant armed robber burgles into someone’s house and expects to get red carpet treatment?” Press TV quoted Dehqan as noting.
The Iranian defense minister said the U.S. behavior “is an instance of modern, 21st century barbarism”.
Votel claimed that Iran is one of the greatest threats to the U.S. today and has increased its "destabilizing role" in the region.
Contrary to the remarks by the U.S. Central Command chief, Iran has emerged as the strongest force against terrorist groups, particularly Daesh.
Political analysts say the hostile remarks against Iran by U.S. officials including Gen. Votel are made under the influence of certain regional countries which have helped give rise to terrorists, including Daesh, over the recent years.