Conference on Ferdowsi underway at Pakistani university

TEHRAN – Ferdowsi, the poet of the Persian epic masterpiece Shahnameh, is being scrutinized in an international conference, which opened at the Lahore College for Women University (LCWU) in Pakistan on Monday.
Twenty-five articles by Persian scholars from Iran, Pakistan and Tajikistan is being presented at the three-day conference.
In her welcome address, LCWU Vice-Chancellor Rukhsana Kausar highlighted the importance of Iran-Pakistan relations and the Persian language. She said the university has played a great role in women’s development in Pakistan.
“The university is also focusing on promoting literature and culture. We have established an institute of language and culture which is working effectively,” she added.
In her short speech Fariha Basit, Head of the English Department of the university, thanked the organizers of the event and the Cultural Center of Iran, and affirmed the necessity of promoting the character of Ferdowsi, his poetry and his Shahnameh to the people of the region and the world.
Punjab Governor Rafique Rajwana, Punjab Higher Education Minister Raza Ali Gillani and Iranian Council General Mohammad-Hossein Bani Asadi were the guests at the first day of the conference.