Iran, Cuba fortify ties with 12 cooperation agreements

February 18, 2017 - 8:57

Iran and Cuba signed 12 new cooperation agreements Thursday fortifying ties at a time when U.S. President Donald Trump’s comments on Tehran and Havana have upset the two countries.

The agreements signed in Cuba have been made in areas such as agriculture, health, biotechnology and higher education.
Cuban Institute of Radio and Television and Iranian network HispanTV are also reported to have entered a memorandum of understanding under the agreement.
“In the political arena, we are two countries which have common positions on international issues. As non-aligned countries, we support each other mutually,” Iranian Health Minister Seyyed Hassan Ghazizadeh Hashemi said, according to TeleSur.
Trump has threatened to make changes to the nuclear deal with Iran and has also put Iran on the immigration ban list, which includes six other Muslim-majority countries.
The U.S. president is also reviewing Washington’s policy toward Cuba, a White House spokesman said on Feb. 3.
