Reza Kianian to enchant visitors with magic of colors in new exhibit 

February 1, 2017 - 18:43

TEHRAN -- Actor Reza Kianian will fascinate art lovers with the magic of colors in his new photo collection titled “Infinite Blue”, which is due to be showcased in an exhibition at Tehran’s Art Center on Friday. 

The collection is composed of 24 photos, 12 of which feature photos of the galaxy and the other 12 objects left on the Anzali Marsh, Kianian said in a press conference held at the center on Tuesday.

“I have never traveled to the galaxy but the galaxy has traveled within me,” he mentioned.

“The galaxy showed itself in every little thing around me. I was deeply surprised. I was always wondering about the endless magic of the galaxy since I was a young adult and I had cried over this immensity over and over again. And now the galaxy has called to me. It descended the way down to me; just for me, you might not believe it, but I was able to record the photos of the galaxy,” he added.

He continued, “In my trip to (the southern city of) Ahvaz, one day I was walking along the Karun River,  a river that once was beautiful but has been left alone today. Deep down in my pain on seeing the loneliness of the river, suddenly a boat called to me. I looked at it. It was also abandoned beside the river.

“I looked at it carefully and closely and I found it is still beautiful despite all its loneliness and the blurred colors. It told me there is life and beauty even in this situation. Enchanted with its message, I took out my camera and took photos of its beauties,” Kianian explained.

“When I returned home all the boats were calling me, all the waters and the lakes in danger were calling me. I took my backpack and headed towards Anzali Marsh (in the Northern Province of Gilan) ad took the photos of my second collection,” he explained.

He noted that he does not want to reflect anxiety in his works, “We have enough stress and anxiety in our society and have had less colors in the past few years and this exhibit tries to reflect colors.”

Kianian, who is also an environmental activist, added, “In recent years, there has been a good event happening, which has made me hopeful to the future of my country, because social talk and action is taking shape and this is good news.”

The actor is among the supporters of the campaign launched by a number of environmental activists to save and restore Lake Urmia from environmental ruin.

The exhibit will be running until February 13 at the gallery located at North Salimi St., Andarzgu Blvd. in the Farmanieh neighborhood.

Photo: Reza Kianian poses with a photo from his series “Infinite Blue” at Tehran’s Art Center on January 31, 2017. (Honaronline/Bahareh Asadi)