Leader: Authorities should not appear lax on painful incidents

TEHRAN – Leader of the Islamic Revolution has urged the authorities to pay more heed to the people’s concerns after more than a hundred Iranians were killed and more dozens injured in two separate tragic incidents in Iraq and Iran.
“The authorities should not appear lax on such painful incidents, and put solving the miseries and the like at the top of their priorities,” Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said in a message released on Saturday.
In making the comments the Supreme Leader was referring to two incidents inside and outside Iran which cost the lives of at least 116 Iranians.
In two incidents inside and outside Iran at least 116 Iranians were killed.
The Leader took to task railroad officials for the accident, saying, the bereaved families lost their beloved ones to “imprudence.” The first one happened on Thursday in the city of Hilla, 100 km (62 miles) south of Baghdad, where a booby-trapped truck went off at a petrol station, killing about 100 people, including 71 Iranian pilgrims.
The Iranian pilgrims were en route back to Iran after trooping into Iraq to observe Arbaeen, the 40th day of mourning for Imam Hussein (AS), a grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, and the third Shiite Imam.
Also, on Friday at least 45 Iranians were killed and 100 wounded after two passenger trains collided in Iran’s north-central province of Semnan.
The Leader took to task railroad officials for the accident, saying, the bereaved families lost their beloved ones to “imprudence.”
Officials have already launched a probe into the train collision.
President Rouhani has commissioned his right hand man Es’haq Jahangiri to follow up on what caused the disaster.
Also, Transport Minister Abbas Akhoundi personally arrived at the collision site hours later. He announced on Saturday that the crash had been the result of an error by a signal controller.
Interior Minister Abdolreza Fazli has said he will be appearing before the Leader for a briefing on the crash.
Three have been arrested for further investigation, according to the latest reports.