Joblessness in Iran stands at 12.7% in summer

November 8, 2016 - 10:10

TEHRAN- Iran's unemployment rate during summer, which corresponds to the second quarter of the current Iranian calendar year (March 20-Septemebr 21), stood at 12.7 percent, according to the latest report from the Statistical Center of Iran (SCI), IRNA reported on Monday.

The announced unemployment figure shows a 1.8 percent increase compared with the corresponding period of last year and a 0.5 percent rise compared with its preceding season, spring.

Also, according to SCI, employment-to-population ratio has risen 0.6 percent to reach 35.5 percent in this summer from 34.7 percent in the last year’s summer.

Services sector accounted for the major part (49.1 percent) of employment during summer. Industry and agriculture sectors stood at the second and third places, respectively, with 31.5 percent and 19.4 percent of the total employment figure.