Iran’s Khadem elected to United World Wrestling bureau

President of Iran Wrestling Federation Rasoul Khadem has been elected as the new member of United World Wrestling’s executive committee known as the bureau.
United World Wrestling (UWW) held its biannual congress on Sunday on the sidelines of the final day of competition of the 2016 Junior Wrestling World Championships in Macon of France.
As part of the program, the congress voted to elect six members to the United World Wrestling bureau, each for six-year terms.
Accordingly, the bureau welcomed new member Rasoul Khadem of Iran who gained the most votes of the congress with 76. Khadem is a 1996 Olympic champion and is president of the Iran's Wrestling Federation.
The Serbian President of UWW Nenad Lalovic praised Khadem's election after the congress saying “Mr. Khadem brings incredible expertise to the bureau and has always been a fair and honest man. He will be very valuable to the bureau and the sport of wrestling.”
Other elected members were Namig Aliev of Azerbaijan (75 votes), Michel Dusson of France (69 votes), Karl-Martin Dittman of Germany (62 votes), Rodica Yaksi of Turkey (60 votes) and Theodore Hamakos of Greece (59 votes).
The next Congress, as an opportunity for national federations from around the world to meet and discuss ideas for the improvement of the sport will be held in 2018, likely during that year’s senior world championships, whose location has yet to be determined.
(Source: unitedworldwrestling)