More Clashes Erupt in Al-Khalil

May 19, 1998 - 0:0
AL-KHALIL, West Bank Six Palestinians were injured on Monday in a fifth day of clashes between Israeli soldiers and protestors in the West Bank town of Al-Khalil, witnesses said. Several dozen youths clashed with soldiers, who responded by firing rubber-coated bullets, lightly injuring six protestors, witnesses said. Palestinian police tried to stop the protestors, but they ran out of the zone under Palestinian security control to a street near Jewish settlements in the Israeli-controlled area, witnesses said.

The clashes continued sporadically for several hours until the protestors were dispersed. Eight protestors were injured on Monday in similar clashes, which have continued sporadically since Thursday, when five Palestinians were killed by Israeli soldiers in riots which broke out throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip. (AFP)