Progressive campaign launched to counter AIPAC’s influence in U.S. politics

March 12, 2024 - 22:28

A coalition of progressive organizations has announced a fundraising, lobbying and organizing effort to counter the influx of spending by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) into primary campaigns against progressive Democrats, the Guardian reported.

The effort, called Reject AIPAC, is in part a response to the ongoing congressional support for Israel’s campaign in Gaza, which has claimed more than 31,000 Palestinian lives since October 7.

Among the groups involved in the campaign are the progressive group Justice Democrats, the advocacy arm of Jewish Voice for Peace and the Sunrise Movement climate organization.

“We have watched as AIPAC has done everything it can to silence growing dissent in Congress against Netanyahu’s assault on Gaza,” said the coalition in a statement, “even as Democratic voters overwhelmingly support a ceasefire and oppose sending more blank checks to the Israeli military.”