17th Cinéma Vérité receives over 2,400 submissions

TEHRAN-A total of 2,454 documentaries from around the world have been submitted to the 17th Iran International Documentary Film Festival Cinéma Vérité, due to be held in December in Tehran.
From among the total submissions, 615 works are from Iran and 1,839 foreign documentaries have also been received, ILNA reported on Monday.
The foreign films have been submitted from Turkey, China, the U.K., Russia, Poland, Spain, Egypt, Argentina, Indonesia, and Germany among others.
According to the Documentary & Experimental Film Center (DEFC), organizer of the Cinéma Vérité, this year’s edition focuses on the themes of water and population.
The 17th edition of the festival includes national competition, international competition, Martyr Avini Award, national and international side sections and commemoration.
Cinéma Vérité tries to represent the history and culture of Iranian Islamic society and present a real picture of what human is facing today in his/her individual and social life through documentary films.