Tehran gallery to display pages from rare lithographed books 

May 30, 2017 - 17:57

TEHRAN – Pages from some rare Persian lithographed books bearing religious illustrations will be showcased in an exhibition at Tehran’s Laleh Gallery tomorrow.

The illustrations of the books, which mostly date back to the Qajar period (1794-1925), have been selected by the prominent Iranian illustrator Ali Buzari, the organizers announced on Tuesday.

Among the books are “Heidari Attack” by Mulla Bemanali Raji Kermani, “Tufan-ul-Buka” by Mohammad Ebrahim ibn Mohammad-Baqer Johari and “Asrar ash-Shahada” by Mulla Fazel Darbandi, all of which were repeatedly published during the period.

Numerous Islamic books were written and illustrated during the Safavid period (1501–1736) when Shiism was selected to be the official religion of Iran.

There was an increasing tendency toward Islamic books during the Qajar period, during which Iran witnessed the advent of its early printing industry.

The exhibition will run until the end of the holy month of Ramadan at Laleh Gallery located on Fatemi St.

Earlier last October, the gallery placed on exhibit a collection of 20 illustrations about the events of Ashura, the day when Imam Hussein (AS) and his companions were martyred on the 10th of Muharram in 680.

The collection was created by 20 Iranian artists, including Buzari, based on illustrations from rare Persian lithographed books.

Photo: A Persian lithographed book in a file photo


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