“Resolution Day” should be ‘institutionalized costume’ on the eve of Noruz Festival

Noruz festival has been celebrated for thousands of years from the beginning of the history of ancient Persia, as some historians agree Noruz has eight thousands years antiquity.
During Noruz, Iranians along with some other nations from all walks of life visit their relatives and friends to congratulate the occasion and enjoy the customs and traditions -- which is part and parcel of Iranian cultural heritage, our social and historical identity as it is observed every year by millions of people all throughout the world.
Noruz, a social justice and “Resolution Day”
Apart from the delicate traditions of Noruz, there is another custom known as “Resolution Day” which seem to be practiced mostly in Christianity world.
On the eve of Christian New Year, people pick new resolve to change an undesired trait or behavior in the upcoming year and try to stay committed to it as much as possible, calling the day “Resolution Day.”
As a resolution they can also think about providing facilities for poor people or relatives –living in desperate situation – or come up with hundreds of other such noble humanitarian decisions which are a source of honor.
We must not forget that this idea has special status both in the teachings of Islam and Iranian culture and “Resolution Day” is not actually an imitation. But it is rather human being’s historical heritage -- something that should not be forgotten in our society and must be urged nationwide on the eve of Iranian New Year.
Even if it is not a brand new idea, rather it is a well-established and interesting idea which should be encouraged as its implementation is an invaluable socialistic ideal as far as the history of Iran shows and our fellow countrymen in thousands have been martyred to achieve such a dramatic aspirations.
Such a new decision could be providing assistance for orphans, quitting cigarette, getting involved in reading interesting stories from books, newspapers, magazines, walking or any sort of sports, to purchase new computer or wrist watch, and so forth.
Quitting smoking on “Resolution Day”
Despite mass media outlets’ warning about serious consequences of smoking which is a major threat to one’s health, some people in Iran are still seek a haven in it.
As the writer of this article who was a former heavy smoker who smoked more than 2 packs a day for 30 years, it was Noruz 2014 that he decided to quit smoking as soon as possible.
Then came September 19, 2014; my only daughter’s birthday anniversary. I stood up and announced in her party that I was not going to smoke from that moment on.
Everybody was astonished including my wife, but I was totally determined to quit smoking for good. I squashed all the remaining cigarettes in my pocket and flushed them down toilet.
Since I always feared that the first few days of breaking an old habit would be extremely difficult, I sought the help of Imam Hossein (AS).
“My deep faith in this Imam will free me from bad habit,” I said to myself.
Today, marks 30 months of the day I made the decision, and I am more determined than ever before to stick to it until my last breath.
The Iranian newly-married young couples because of unemployment, addiction, poverty, high inflation and misunderstanding after several months divorce and their families are disintegrated.
So what is the solution to addiction to narcotic drugs and smoking? Saying ‘No’ is the answer. Two years ago, I read a scientific article in Google indicating that addiction to hookah is far more dangerous than cigarettes smoking. And I believe it is the duty of our mass media to enlighten the young generation about the grave consequences of addiction.
We should always remember, Almighty Allah has said in Muslims’ Holy Book the Quran, Baqreh Verse, man should not perish himself.
Today, I am smoke-free and glad that eliminated the risks of tobacco smoking like stroke, blood clots, premature ageing skin, brittle bones, and cancers of lips, tongue, throat, lung, stomach and heart attack from my life.
Let’s not divert from the main discussion as explaining about addiction to drugs require more time.
Iranians have many auspicious national and religious festivals that is regarded as a giant step forward to quit smoking. It is promising to note that during the year-long festivities in Iran could be a source of fulfilling our obligations for achieving “Resolution Day.”
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