Iran plans to block websites offering “1979 Revolution”

TEHRAN -- The National Foundation for Computer Games (NFCG) has announced its plan to block all websites that offer “1979 Revolution”, a game prototype directed by U.S.-based Iranian game developer Navid Khansari based on the Islamic revolution.
In a press release published on Saturday, NFCG Director Hassan Karimi called the game “anti-Iranian” and said the foundation has begun an operation to gather all copies illegally distributed in shops in Tehran and other Iranian cities.
“Khansari began to work on the game about three years ago and he had big plans for the project, but when the plan faced failure after several companies refused to finance it, he scaled back the size of the game. As a result, the game does not have a large distributor and it has also not been well received by gamers,” he added.
Karimi said that game gives incorrect information to gamers and added, “Iranians will quickly realize the hostile intentions and objectives of the developer if they see the game.”
He also warned Iranian families about “the negative effects” of the game and said, “Games like this can poison the minds of the youth and young adults about their country by means of false and distorted information, and also damage their spirits.”
Photo: Screenshot from “1979 Revolution”
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